Picky Hookers

Do you love to knit or crochet?  Perhaps you’ve wanted to learn but need a little help.  Then sounds like you’d enjoy hanging out with The Picky Hookers!  This group of enthusiastic interlocking yarn loopers meet just about every Wednesday evening and inspire each other with projects they are working on and devise new and exciting projects that impact our community.  

They have yarn bombed Main Street, created over 30 prayer shawls, donated scarves and hats by leaving them throughout town for anyone who might need one, and continue to make new born baby hats for the hospital here in Wray.

Anyone is welcome!  Come once or come often, it doesn’t matter.  But if you are looking for good conversation, community spirit and fun creating, The Picky Hookers don’t disappoint!

For more information, contact Jenn Jones at 970-630-4582.  If getting out in the evenings is a bit of a challenge, The Picky Hookers are taking their circle on the road and will meeting up at Hillcrest & The Towers during the day.  For more information on when they meet, contact Karen Loyd at 970-630-1632.